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    Operation Christmas Child


    Grab a shoebox at the table on Sunday and fill it with small items for a child in need to receive an amazing gift that also shares the Gospel of Jesus with them. The journey of a shoebox gift begins with you and results in evangelism...

      Trunk or Treat Volunteers


      We need your help and your trunk!  Gather your family, friends, ministry team, or co-workers to decorate a trunk and pass out candy to the kids.  This event is on October 20 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Our goal is to have 50...

        Kids Bible Groups

        09.04.24 | Volunteer | Children | At FBCW

        Every Sunday morning, children ages 3 years - 5th grade attend Kids Bible Groups from 10:45 to 11:45.  Teachers share the Bible story from the Gospel Project curriculum and then lead corresponding activities with their group.  If...


          09.04.24 | Volunteer | Children | At FBCW

          During Sunday morning and Wednesday night activities, our nursery volunteers care for babies and toddlers (two and under). If you are interested in leading, helping, or subbing in the nursery, click below.

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