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    Questions for The Leadership Team

    02.14.25 | Hub

    In an effort to answer all questions or concerns that you have related to the church and it's leadership, we have created an LEADERSHIP TEAM EMAIL just for you! If you do not use email, feel free to write a letter and send it to the church...

      Inclement Weather Information

      02.14.25 | Hub

      If there are any schedule changes due to inclement weather they will be announced in the following ways: Call 636-327-8607 and press 2 during the introduction. This will connect you with the weather information mailbox. Any schedule changes...

        Scripture Memory

        02.14.25 | Hub | Announcements

        This Week's Bible Verse is Leviticus 26:12 "And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people."

          Order of Worship - February 16, 2025


          Baptism "Take You at Your Word"     King/Hastings/Carnes/Arr. Wall Welcome "Evidence"     Baldwin/Cash/Hulse/Arr. Wall "Trust in God"    Riddle/Farro/Wickham/Arr. Mott Message- Pastor Kyle "King of...

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